Category: 김앤배뉴스

  • Discovery

    After the complaint has been filed, and the answer has been filed with or without a counterclaim, the parties then engage in a process which called Discovery. Now discovery can include several things including interrogatories, depositions, and in matrimonial cases filing the case information statements. Interrogatories are procedures by which each party gets to ask…


  • Service, Answer, and Counterclaim

    Once the complaint has filed, the plaintiff – that’s the person who files the complaint – has an obligation to serve the summons and complaint upon the defendant, and that’s called a Service process. In New Jersey, service process can be done by a number of different means. Sometimes that’s in person, sometimes that’s by…


  • Mediation, Arbitration, 4 Way Conference

    Either before or after the filing a complaint, parties to a divorce action are encouraged to undergo a process called Mediation. Mediation is an informal procedure where the parties, with or without their attorneys, sit before an independent third party called Mediator and discuss the situation in order to see whether or not they can…


  • Property Settlement Agreement

    Assuming the parties to a divorce action are able to reach a resolution of their issue, such resolution is usually written upon a document celled a Property Settlement Agreement. A Property Settlement Agreement usually covers each and every issue that the parties have reached resolution on, signed by the parties, and becomes a binding contract…


  • Complaint, Discovery, and 1st Appearance

    All criminal and motor vehicle cases in the state of New Jersey begin with the filing a complaint. Now in motor vehicle matters, that complaint is the ticket that the police officer issues to you at the time of the stop. In all criminal cases, including municipal court cases and traffic tickets, the defendant is…