Category: 김앤배뉴스

  • Complaint

    Litigation requires a tremendous amount of time and capital. Litigation should begin with careful research and meticulous analysis of the case. The first step in the litigation process is preparing a complaint. In a complaint, the plaintiffs and defendants are identified in the caption, followed by the details of the case below it. The plaintiff…


  • Answer

    Those who receive a complaint must file an Answer within a certain number of days after receiving it. The time frame for answering varies from 20 to 35 days, depending on which state you are in and where the complaint was filed. In New Jersey the time limit is 35 days if you are sued…


  • Stipulation of Extension of Time

    If you have been served a complaint and feel that the time in which you need to answer—usually 35 days in New Jersey—is not enough, or if you do not have all of the information to answer properly or cannot retain an attorney in time, you may ask your current attorney to enter into a…


  • Default Judgment

    If you have been served a complaint—even if you are not aware that a complaint has been served to you—and you fail to answer it within the required time, you may receive a default judgment against you. A default judgment is judgment against you because you did not answer the complaint in the required time.…


  • Motion to Vacate Default Judgment

    A Motion to Vacate a Default Judgment is a request made to the court to remove a default judgment and allow you to proceed with the case. The earlier you file a Motion to Vacate a Default Judgment, the better are your chances of being granted your motion. Therefore, you should file your Motion to…