Category: 김앤배뉴스

  • [Kim&Bae]김문수 경기도지사 차세대지도자 관련 조찬간담회 개최

    (Left, first seat – The Consul General at New York; Youngmok Kim, second seat – Governor of Gyeonggi province; Moonsoo Kim) April 20 – Waldorf Astoria Hotel, New York, KIM&BAE, BJ KIM, invites and attends the conference held for the future leaders of Korean-Americans with Moon Soo Kim, the Governor of Gyeonggi province, Korea.


  • [K&B] Kim & Bae, P.C. 5th Annual Party


  • [TKC] News – Kim & Bae, P.C. 5th Annual Party

    여러분 안녕하십니까, 11월 22일 월요일, TKC 뉴스데스크입니다. 올해로 5회째를 맞는 법무법인 김&배의 연말 행사가 지난 19일 김&배 건물 로비에서 열렸습니다. 이번 행사에서는 지역 내 시장과 정치인, 판사, 검사 등이 함께 모여 지난 한 해를 함께 돌아 보았습니다. 또한 한국과 미국의 아동 복지 시설에서 돌보고 있는 불우한 아동들과 미국의 가정 폭력 피해자 구호 센터 등을 돕기…


  • [NBC] NJ Dad Fights for His Children After Wife Flees to Korea

    [Clich here to see the News video] Violinist Alejandro Mendoza teaches during the day and performs at night in the Lion King orchestra on Broadway. He once played a French violin made in 1902 but had to sell it for something he loves even more: his five-year-old son and three-year-old daughter. “I suspect they are…


  • Transaction

    A real estate transaction begins with the signing of the contract. The real estate contract is typically long and confusing. The attorney will sit down and meet with the client and will explain the pros and cons of each clause of the contract. Afterwards, we will come to either agree with a contract or disagree.…