• [Newsday] Learning the Brutal Language of…

    When the sales calls reached their height last winter, Zuo Chen felt his resistance cave. Recently laid off, Chen said he was lured by daily pitches of foreign exchange trading firm International Financial Services Inc., promising him quick riches in a bear stock market. “They told me many stories that made the [currency trading] market…


  • [중앙일보] 주식투자 피해 소송 증가

    중앙일보 (August 13, 2002) 주식투자 피해 소송 증가 전년대비 10% 늘어…소송률 상승 미 주식시장 하락세가 지속되면서 브로처를 상대로 소송을 제기하는 투자자들이 크게 늘고 있다. 미증권협회(NASD)에 따르면 브로커들이 거짓 투자정보를 유포하고 거래수수료를 챙기기 위해 투자자 허락없이 주식매매를 해 막대한 투자손실을 입었다고 이들을 대상으로 피해보상 소송 등을 제銖求?투자자들이 늘어 있다. 지난 6개월동안 3천7백여건이 접수됐는데 이는 전년 동기…



    NewYork Post (August11, 2002) STOCKLASH Investors demand brokers pay up By ISABELLE SENDER and JEANNE BURKE With the Dow in the dumps and the Nasdaq shattered, thousands of angry investors are attacking their brokers for costing them their life savings. This year, a record number of devastated market players have filed complaints charging their money…


  • [Newsday] BROKEN TRUST

    Newsday (July 02, 2000) BROKEN TRUST By Bryan Virasami Ha Im Entrusted A Fellow Korean-American With His Life Savings… And Then Watched His Dreams Turn Into a Nightmare Ha Im, a dry cleaning operator in Flushing, says his family lost its saved-up money after investing with Merrill Lynch’s Forest Hills office. Merrill Lynch has settled…


  • [Newsday] NYSE Probes Widow’s Claim

    Newsday (May 03, 2002) NYSE Probes Widow’s Claim Blames broker for losses By Mark Harrington Staff Writer In a case that drops names from Prince Charles to “the president,” a Hauppauge widow and her family have filed a $4.5-million arbitration claim against Merrill Lynch & Co. and a broker who is the sister of Global…