Author: admin

  • 뉴저지 한인 시의원 5명 최종 당선

    뉴저지 한인 시의원 5명 최종 당선

    지난 3일 실시된 뉴저지주 본선거에서 한인 5명이 시의원에 최종 당선됐다. 버겐카운티 선거관리위원회가 16일 발표한 우편투표 및 현장 잠정투표 개표 결과, 전체 한인 시의원 후보 7명 가운데 5명이 당선의 기쁨을 누렸다. 이 가운데 해링턴팍의 준 정(무소속) 시의원은 연임에 성공해 뉴저지 한인 여성 시의원 최초로 4선을 이루는 새 역사를 썼다. 잉글우드클립스 시의원 선거에서는 박명근(공화) 후보가 1,822표를 획득해…


  • Darya Molotkova

    Darya Molotkova

    The weeks I’ve spent at Kim & Bae have been educational, eye-opening, and filled with opportunity and excitement. The team of attorneys and professionals was extremely welcoming and supportive; I was always encouraged to ask questions and I always had someone to turn to if I needed assistance. I felt like I was truly part…


  • Ethan Lee

    Ethan Lee

    This summer at Kim and Bae, I experience many valuable work and life lessons. Throughout my internship, I not only had the opportunity to learn how office life works, but also had the opportunity to interact with the amazing staff of Kim and Bae. I had the pleasure of collaborating and working alongside my fellow…


  • Iris Lee

    Iris Lee

    This summer I had the pleasure of interning at Kim & Bae for a second time and once again I am walking away with an invaluable experience and a plethora of knowledge and skills that has further prepared me not only in a professional sense, but more broadly for life. During my internship period I…


  • Six former employees of the upscale Korean restaurant “Gayeon” located in Fort Lee, New Jersey, filed a civil lawsuit against the restaurant for violating labor laws.

    Six former employees of the upscale Korean restaurant “Gayeon” located in Fort Lee, New Jersey, filed a civil lawsuit against the restaurant for violating labor laws.

    Six former employees of the upscale Korean restaurant “Gayeon” located in Fort Lee, New Jersey, filed a civil lawsuit against the restaurant for violating labor laws. According to the lawsuit filed with the Bergen County Court on the 15 th , six Korean employees along with the plaintiff, Kim, allege that the defendant, President Andy…