[Korea Daily] Action to Protect Our Copyright

2017-01-30 Korean Daily copyright copy


Korea Daily caught unauthorized use of its content by random media

Taking Action against this explicitly illegal activity

Indemnification for damage Filed in the Federal Court for the first time


Korea Daily New York is taking action to protect its copyrighted works.

Recently, this office has discovered numerous piracies of its content, including articles and pictures, by several Korean media companies. This kind of copyright infringement is against the common press ethics and, also, clearly violates Federal Law.

Therefore, Korea Daily has decided to take strong action against pirating media to protect its valuable content produced with support from its readers and advertisers and also to cultivate a healthy custom throughout the Korean American media community. Korea Daily’s actions in this regard are meant to signal strict warnings across the Korea American media community and demand liability to the fullest extent allowed by law against those who constantly misuse Korea Daily’s content without consent or permission.

As a first measure, Kim & Bae, P.C., on Korea Daily’s behalf, filed a lawsuit against ‘The Flea Market’ in the Southern District Court of New York on January 26, 2017 for damages alleging defendent’s violation of Federal Copyrights Law (17 U.S.C. § 101), Digital Millennium Copyright Law (28 U.S. Code § 1201), and Trademark Law (28 U.S. Code § 1125(a)).

According to the complaint, the defendant has used Korea Daily’s contents, published on its paper and webpage in between September 10th and 19th of 2016, without any form of contract or permission. This is clearly a serious violation of the copyright law and, also, carried out with the bad intention of achieving profits by manipulating the content to look like they have produced the content in order to mislead readers. Thus, this office has demanded compensation for the damage caused by their copyright infringement, attorney expenses as well as, punitive damages to increase social awareness of this matter.

Korea Daily has strove to fulfill its duty to provide the most needed information to Korean Community as a “Guide to Immigration” and a “Friendly Newspaper” for past 40 years, and it will always be its top priority to keep its promise. Thank you for your support and attention to this matter.