[FOX NEWS_2] Palisades Park Student Faces Charges After Lunchroom Fight

MYFOXNY.COM – There are claims that a fight between two students was blown way out of proportion. And now, an 18-year-old N.J. student is fighting for his future as his community rallies around him.

Palisades Park High School student Dong Sung An faces criminal charges for punching a student in the school lunchroom.

The student that he is charged with hitting twice in the face was 14 at the time. He had to have stitches and his mother called police and pressed charges against An.

An’s lawyer says this has been blown way out of proportion. The school suspended An at the time he thinks that is suitable punishment.

Fox 5 spoke to the mother of the other boy in the fight, she did not want to speak on camera or give a statement because she says she is very protective of her son.

An’s arrest came as schools all over the country are trying to take a strong stance against school violence. An moved here three years ago from Korea and works and goes to school full time.

His case has sparked protests from the Korean American community, some showed up at the Palisades Park municipal courthouse to show their support for the accused teen.

Korean Consul General Young-mok Kim even sent a letter to the Palisades Park Mayor saying in part: “Although both students were suspended from school, Dong was the only one charged with a criminal offense, and is now facing potentially life-altering consequences. I respectfully request that you look into the said matter…”